Sometimes once is so very much enough!

One Session Therapy

The Acorn

With RTT, it is not unrealistic to say that you may only need one session.

Many people find that one treatment is perfect to set them on the right track once they have experienced the power of reframing their core negative beliefs in hypnosis.

Especially when this is followed by 3 weeks of listening to their daily personalised recording to wire in the new beliefs.

Which means that when you invest in one session of RTT, it’s not really one session at all, which is why it works so well. It’s a month long experience in effect, when you factor in that your healing journey starts when you book a free ‘Your Time, My Magic Call’ with me.

This one session will improve your life in more ways than you can imagine.

Anne-Marie Cassidy and an an acorn and leaf graphic

If your issue is confidence, self-esteem, exam preparation, smoking, sports performance, phobias; even depression, you can often be treated with one session, and this list is by no means exhaustive.

If your current emotional state stems from not being able to stick up for yourself, people-pleasing, procrastination, being bullied, childhood emotional neglect by a parent or caregiver, any of which can have led you to think about yourself and your prospects in the negative, I invite you to see just how far one session can take you.

Why someone may need more than one session is that they come potentially seeking help for two issues that the mind will not link as related. An addiction and an infertility problem, for example. Whereas issues like depression, anxiety & panic attacks tend to be coming from the same source. So a lot will depend on what we can do without diluting the effect on your mind.

Because I want to do really powerful and transformative work with you.

Occasionally, people will express a concern that RTT is expensive. I don’t think RTT is expensive. I think RTT is priceless. It certainly was for me. Several years ago when I had RTT, I made a commitment to myself to do this one last thing. This was the last thing I was going to pay for. And it absolutely changed my life.

I had learned over decades that the conventional health services available to me were not the solution, and that my health and emotional wellbeing were in my own hands. Nobody was going to care as much about me as I would myself. That was very clear.

I made a decision to rescue myself. And to stop listening to people who told me that I would never be or feel any different. And that is what I want for you, too.

To regain power in your own life, discover who you truly are when fear is not a driving factor in your life.

You can view a summary of what RTT can be used for by tapping the button.

colourful acorn and leaf collage graphic stating what is included in this hypnotherapy package

What’s included:

  • A 2.5hr, intensive RTT session on an issue of your choice.

  • Personalised transformational recording to wire in the changes.

  • Email support at 1, 5, and 15 days post session.

  • 30 minute Zoom Call, recommended once 21 - 30 days have elapsed post-session, to discuss your wins, revelations and progress.

  • Total Investment £222


One Session Therapy is Possible!