What Can RTT Help With?

Here’s a helpful list to get you started.

It’s all of this and so much more!


What Can RTT Do For Me?

These are among the conditions that respond successfully.

  • Addictions, Anger, Grief, Guilt

    Procrastination, Achieving Goals, Motivation

    Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Phobias

    Self-Esteem, Fears, Public Speaking, Exam Pressures

    Career Issues, Memory, Driving Skills, Nerves

  • Lack of Connection, Feeling Not Loveable, Emotional Issues

    Intimacy Issues, Sexual Problems, Fertility, IVF

    Pregnancy, Birth, Feminine Health

    Physical Health, Compulsive Behaviours, Trauma

    Panic Attacks, Brain Fog, Finding Your Why

  • Weight, Eating Disorders, Sleep Problems

    Childhood Issues, Success Blocks, Sports Performance

    Skin & Hair Problems, Eyesight, Hearing

    Pain, Mobility Issues, Migraines

    Wealth Wiring, Achieving Abundance

You will not break loose until you realise that you yourself forge the chains that bind you.

  • Gary Renard - The Disappearance of the Universe

Women in a free-spirited pose on a wooden pier underneath a rainbow

Charmed Life Therapy

Sometimes people find it hard to understand that they create their own reality. But it is so true. And often this stems from beliefs you made about yourself between the ages of 0 and 7, that you have never identified or addressed.

You may have needed to be the perfect one, the sick one, the carer, or the rebel, in order to establish an identity in your family. You may not have been adequately loved. And all of this may have set limitations for you around your physical or emotional health, or what you currently believe is available to you from your life.

Allow me to bust apart some myths for you - in hypnosis!

Current Offers

Bespoke packages by request

  • Acorn graphic representing acorn package

    Acorn Session

    1 Session Package - £222

  • Acorn, Tree & Cross-section of a tree trunk, graphic illustrating the Growth Rings Package

    Growth Rings

    Premium Whole Life Transformation £1500

  • Hour Glass depicting rewinding time or a traumatic event

    The Rewind Spell

    PTSD, Trauma & Phobia Help - £240

  • Owl and wand graphic evoking the idea of wisdom and magic

    Wisdom Weaving

    Solution-focused conversation £80p/h

Your life changes whenever you decide it does!

Book a free call today.