Some of my clients have said…

‘I would really just like to be able to talk with you when I need to.’

Effective Helping!

I came up with Wisdom Weaving because people said they got value from simply talking to me about life, the Universe & everything!

The idea of booking an hour to talk with me developed off the back of the 21 day catch-up after an RTT session. Several clients enjoyed this check-in so much that they asked if they could just book time with me as and when they wanted.

I call this time Wisdom Weaving because we can achieve so much together.

And you don’t need to be an existing client to book a call.

We use this time to talk about any number of things:

  • Mindset tweaks you maybe hadn’t considered.

  • Anything in your relationships that you maybe aren’t noticing or acting on.

  • Boundaries that aren’t being honoured or set.

  • Strategy in your career.

  • A good old-fashioned pep-talk or cheerleading session.

  • Accessing my fountain of weird and wonderful knowledge that is remarkably helpful to you professionally and personally.

  • Problem-solving. Next steps. Giving you a virtual shake if you’re not looking out for yourself!!!

  • You tell me what you want to deal with, or ask me if I know something useful.

  • I’m basically your bestie who can tell you exactly what I think is best for you!

  • I give you honest, direct feedback about how you’re enabling your progress.

Need Some Effective Help?

The ways I can proactively help & support you are inumerable!