Online Hypnotherapy Sessions

How Do I Set Myself Up for Success?

Hey there,

Here are some guidelines for your comfort and to enhance our RTT online hypnotherapy session.

Wear something you feel relaxed in and make sure your room temperature is cosy, not too hot or cold.

Use the bathroom beforehand. If you do need to go during the session, it’s not the end of the world, it can mean your body is already letting go. But it is helpful if we can work straight through.

A man and a woman shown having virtual meetings

You need to be seated somewhere where you can be really comfortable. Take measures to make sure your body is being supported. Because you will be getting really loose and maybe a bit floppy! Try to use a room where you know you have good Wi-Fi strength, and somewhere I can see a good portion of your upper body. Ideally from the top of your head to your waist.

Try putting your arms out at shoulder height, locking your elbows. I need to be able to see you do this. Make sure you can drop your arms to your lap safely, without connecting with a desk or table.

Make use of props like books, or wedge your device as necessary.

If at any point during the meeting, we lose the internet connection, simply go back to your meeting invitation email and rejoin the session.

If this happens towards the end of the session, during the recording of your transformation audio, (I will tell you of this point) you will come out of hypnosis naturally, feeling refreshed, and I will reconnect with you when I have completed the recording.

Before we start, I tend to turn off my camera which will help with the strength. It’s more important that I can see you!

In addition, please attend the session on a desktop/laptop/tablet that is plugged in, as streaming sessions are heavy on battery. You can do the session on a phone if necessary, but it is not ideal.

It’s a good idea to have some tissues in your lap, as many deep-seated emotions can arise (this is a good thing). Remember, you will need privacy, no pets/family/disturbances. Leave a note on your door if you cannot reschedule any impending deliveries! This is your valuable, personal healing time.

A session will usually last up to 2 and a half hours.

Make this time for yourself.