What are the common areas of concern around treatment through RTT?

 Rapid Transformational Therapy FAQs

Your ultimate guide to RTT answers!

  • Not at all, if anything you feel a heightened state of awareness. You can get up and move if you needed to, and you will be answering questions throughout the session. Nothing can happen that you don’t want to happen.

    P.S. There really is no such thing as control, the only thing we can control is our thoughts!

  • Because every person and every issue is different. Some people change immediately session 1 is over, some people need more support or it is for a more deeply complex issue such as PTSD, which has many aspects. Sometimes clearing one issue highlights other areas of your life that require attention. Many clients arrive with an array of concerns and in hypnosis the mind can only focus on 1-2 at a time. Cramming it all in 1 session would dilute the efficacy.

  • Hypnosis is based in science! Through a process, we create a burst of alpha brainwaves that mimics the same feeling as being in a state of Rapid Eye Movement. You can access sub-conscious memories, a little similar to dreaming. Being able to go into this state just means you are capable of receiving positive suggestions. We practice beforehand so you will know exactly what is going to happen. Your conscious mind is just taking a break, don’t worry that you still have random thoughts flitting through your head. It still works!

  • It feels very relaxing. In modern life it is very rare that we gift ourselves 2 hours to just be in the moment, so most people really enjoy that feeling of surrender. One thing to note is that many people worry that they don’t ‘feel’ hypnotised. The good news is that depth of trance is not a deciding factor in success. You can be in hypnosis very lightly or very deeply, it all works.

  • Improvement or change happens 3 ways with RTT. And you can experience each of these or 1-2. There is immediate change that you notice straight away, cumulative change that steadily builds/increases, and retroactive change, where one day, weeks or months down the line, it’s like you have to be reminded that you ever had the issue. You’ve been too busy feeling better to look out for your old symptoms or triggers.

  • The audio is crucial to your success with RTT. Change happens in the session, we expose those old limiting beliefs and reframe them. Your transformation recording then wires in, fires in, and codes in everything you want to have in your life now. For physical issues your body will need the three weeks to really train the mind to know you are commanding recovery. When people say a couple of weeks down the line, ‘it wore off,’ then it will be because they did not listen to the audio as instructed.

  • Sometimes people do find it harder to allow the process. People that have been in the armed forces or suffer from PTSD may be hyper-vigilant and resistant. Usually on the discovery call we hear that word ‘control’. From listening to you, I will ascertain whether that might be an issue and provide you with a complimentary pre-session recording that you will listen to for a week to 10 days in advance. This will allow your mind time to realise it is safe to access the sub-conscious memories.

  • Absolutely, and some people prefer it as they are in their own home. Certain things as a therapist are slightly different, but the outcome is the same. I will require you to have around 2.5 hours of uninterrupted time and you will need to be visible roughly from your mid torso upwards. If the connection cuts out you will naturally come out of hypnosis on your own, and just use your meeting link to rejoin the session. If it happens during the recording of your audio, I will connect with you after I have finished the recording.

  • Because the mind is very literal, black and white. It responds to the thoughts and pictures you create. And it will often create symptoms, triggers and habits because it believes it performs some kind of beneficial function for you. For example, a bullied child might regularly say to themselves, ‘if only I was bigger.’ The mind wouldn’t necessarily read that as taller, it would often create a weight problem, a desire to overeat, that would successfully make you bigger, though not as you had wished for. Your mind is like a genie, you have to be really careful with your wishes! With RTT we can expose where the thinking came from and reframe it using your adult critical mind, not the reasoning of a child. Once you know how it happened, making changes is vastly easier. Similarly, health problems can occur for other sub-conscious reasons, but it’s important to stress that you are not to blame for giving yourself any kind of illness.

  • Unfortunately, hypnosis is not indicated for those suffering from epilepsy or any kind of psychosis (schizophrenia e.g.) Entering a hypnotic state for those individuals might put them in danger of triggering symptoms, leaving both them, and potentially the therapist, at risk of harm.