Website Use Disclaimer

Use of this site by children under the age of 18. The information provided on this site is generally suitable for a wide age group, however blog posts may occasionally contain sexual content - as it relates to therapeutic treatment. And occasional swear words.

The information and services advertised on this website are provided in good faith. The information pertains to Anne-Marie Cassidy, a qualified, insured practitioner of Rapid Transformational Therapy and the Rewind Technique.

All testimonials are from genuine clients, or in limited circumstances (where I will indicate same) from general testimonials about RTT or Rewind as a methodology.

From time to time I may add links to outside services or information on this website and where I will receive payment for providing same, this will be indicated.

 Information related to Marisa Peer is used by authorisation given to graduates of the RTT school.

All rights and expectations you have as a client of Anne-Marie Cassidy/Charmed Life Therapy are laid out in the Client Terms and Conditions, available on this website, acceptance of which are a condition of engaging my professional services.

If you have any concerns about my website content, please get in touch here so I may look into the matter on your behalf.