Book a ‘Your Time, My Magic Call’ Today!

I love discussing how I can help you.

Y0u will feel better just for talking about it in a safe, supportive space.


What Is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

What Can RTT Do For Me?

These are among the conditions I can help you with.

  • Addictions, Anger, Grief, Guilt

    Procrastination, Achieving Goals, Motivation

    Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Phobias

    Self-Esteem, Fears, Public Speaking, Exam Pressures

    Career Issues, Memory, Driving Skills, Nerves

  • Lack of Connection, Feeling Not Loveable, Emotional Issues

    Intimacy Issues, Sexual Problems, Fertility, IVF

    Pregnancy, Birth, Feminine Health

    Physical Health, Compulsive Behaviours, Trauma

    Panic Attacks, Brain Fog, Finding Your Why

  • Weight, Eating Disorders, Sleep Problems

    Childhood Issues, Success Blocks, Sports Performance

    Skin & Hair Problems, Eyesight, Hearing

    Pain, Mobility Issues, Migraines

    Wealth Wiring, Achieving Abundance

I had the most amazing RTT session with Anne-Marie. I had gone to her to work on my issues of procrastination in my business. Under hypnosis we regressed back to scenes in childhood which gave me such clarity about my issue, fear of failure!

Anne-Marie helped me completely reframe these beliefs and I'm pleased to say I have been doing really well at confronting issues in my work head on since!

Thank you so much.

  • Claire - RTT Client

5 stars graphic

Here’s what you get:

with Charmed Life Therapy’s services

1. Someone who will listen without judgment

It’s part of my role to be your confidante. Rest assured I have heard most things and my mind is open, no matter how embarrassing you may feel your issue is. During a free introductory call we will cover what you feel are the issues you are facing, your symptoms, triggers, and behaviours or habits that arise from the problem. We also briefly cover your childhood and what your life looks like in an ideal world. The beauty of RTT is that you don’t need a lengthy, thread to needle intake, all of the real work is done in your session, removing the need for months of groundwork that is necesssary with traditional therapy.

2. The Session

Around 2.5 hours of intensive hypnotherapy where you are regressed to 3-5 scenes from your past. Scenes that your sub-conscious mind knows hold the answers to your present-day situation.

Induction into hypnosis with RTT only takes about 3-4 minutes, then after we navigate your scenes, we work to examine the beliefs you made about yourself in the past, before reframing those beliefs and implanting new, healthier, more positive ones.

Most people come out of a session feeling like they have been cleansed of something. It’s a very positive, very uplifting experience, even when the scenes you go back to are very painful. It’s important to know you are reviewing those scenes, not reliving them.

3. Supportive, Nurturing Follow-up

Even if you only have one session with me, you receive 100% care and commitment. Time is taken post-session to make sure you are at peace with what came out of the process. Check-ins happen at regular intervals to keep you on track and motivated. You can email or message me at any point outside of our allotted arrangement and I will do my best to get back to you quickly. For most people they notice immediate, significant results. It’s like gaining an inner cheerleader, and one of the first things you will notice is you stop speaking negatively of yourself. That in itself can cause great shifts in the way you feel.

A hand with a lit sparkler, coming from the water

Do any of these sound familiar?

I’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work.✔

I feel like I will never get rid of this pain. ✔

I’ve stopped trying because I never seem to succeed.✔

I feel like I’m different to everyone else. ✔

What would it feel like if the labels you have worn your whole life were ripped up and disposed of forever?

If you want to clean the house, you have to see the dirt

  • Louise Hay

To understand more about how your brain works, I advise everyone to watch this wonderful, uplifting Ted Talk by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor.

It will help you understand the phenomenal power of your brain, and your infinite capacity as a human being!

So what connection does this beautiful presentation have to RTT? Well after an RTT session you will find yourself stepping more to the right of your left brain hemisphere. It helps you feel connected, like you are here for a reason and it helps you silence a lot of the useless, harmful, left-brain chatter that keeps us unhappy, stressed, unfulfilled and stuck. You will feel like a part of the bigger picture, Like you have a place in the world. You will simply feel happier and more content and that you matter.

If you have any concerns about booking a free call,

please email me, I would be happy to clarify or set your mind at ease.

Click the button

& connect with me.

Mark your mirror and change your life - I Am Enough -Marisa Peer

Mark your mirror and change your life -

Marisa Peer (I Am Enough)

What People Are Saying about RTT with Me:

5 stars graphic

Thank you, Anne-Marie, for such a beautiful, healing session. So glad I signed up to work with you. I will listen to the recording for 21 days straight - it’s perfect.

— RTT Student

Before RTT Graphic - Some Examples

Your life before RTT:

  • Frustrated

  • Confused

  • Resigned

  • Stuck

  • Pain

After RTT Graphic - Some examples

Your life after RTT:

  • Motivated

  • Empowered

  • Resilient

  • Enlightened

  • Ease


Leanne - RTT Client

‘I would like to thank Ms Anne-Marie for an amazing life changing RTT session. My area of concern was fears which had affected me since childhood. I am happy to say I have noticed a positive shift in my thought patterns and behavior. I feel at peace and safe knowing that all is well in my world. I am more confident to make changes that will impact my life in a meaningful way.’

5 stars graphic

‘Thank you for your help. I would highly recommend Anne-Marie Cassidy.’

Current Offers

Bespoke packages by request

  • Acorn graphic representing acorn package

    Acorn Session

    1 Session Package - £222

  • Acorn, Tree & Cross-section of a tree trunk, graphic illustrating the Growth Rings Package

    Growth Rings

    Premium Whole Life Transformation £1500

  • Hour Glass depicting rewinding time or a traumatic event

    The Rewind Spell

    PTSD, Trauma & Phobia Help - £240

  • Owl and wand graphic evoking the idea of wisdom and magic

    Wisdom Weaving

    Solution-focused conversation £80p/h

Child reading a map

Mums and Dads

Do you have a concern about your child? RTT is a brilliant therapeutic tool for all kinds of childhood issues. Find out how RTT can help below.


Need to talk it through? Book a free ‘Your Time, My Magic Call’.

Here's what happens when you book a free conversation:


Step 1.

Select your date and time via the call page or using the button below. You will need to provide your name and email address to book.

Step 2.

Once you have booked, there will be a brief online form for you to complete with your personal information and any concerns you may have.

Step 3.

During our Zoom call we will discuss the information you’ve submitted and talk a little about your symptoms, how your concern affects you, a little about childhood and what your ultimate outcome would be.

Step 4.

After the call there is no obligation to proceed. You decide how, when, and if you want to move forward. There will be no pressure whatsoever to commit to a course of treatment.


How we make our beliefs:

(And our beliefs make us)

Example Case Study of an RTT Session, below are genuine scenes, slightly abbreviated, that illustrates how childhood incidents can lead to life-long beliefs.

Little girl with her hands over her eyes

Scene 1.

Client is 3 or 4 years old, remembers being in the garden, playing alone. Sees a mask in a bedroom window, it looks like a gorilla; she remembers being very frightened and lonely. Afraid to be outside and afraid to go in the house. Later, someone in the house puts the mask in a cloakroom where she plays, knowing how she was scared of it earlier. Client feels no-one cares about her. Isolated. Unsupported. Not safe in her home, not knowing when some trick will be played on her. Like the people that should love her, pick on her and make fun of her.

Little girl riding a bike, wearing a red helmet

Scene 2.

Client is 8 years old. She is riding her bike alone in the carpark behind their house. She falls off and is concussed. Nobody discovers this. She does not know how much time passes, but when she wakes, she pushes her bike home. Mum asks, ‘what happened?’ Client says ‘I don’t know’ and bursts into tears. The feeling she forms is ‘how long would it take before anyone even noticed I was missing? Who really cares about me? Am I significant? Do I even matter?’

Little girl dressed as a ballerina, seated.

Scene 3.

Client is around 6 years old, walking to a ballet lesson, her older brother is taking her. She is aware that he doesn’t want to be doing this. Something she regularly feels; like her older siblings ‘have’ to do things regarding her, like she is a burden. She has no recollection of them speaking to her generally or being interested in her. Ballet is something she doesn’t really enjoy, but her mother has expectations that she ‘will be something’. Mum has also made this clear to her siblings. Client feels she can never be good enough. She lacks confidence among her peers and does not have the right shoes and ballet skirt. She feels different, isolated, less than, a burden. She also feels this pressure to ‘be something.’

What is the conclusion from the above?

The client could have provided a number of scenes just like the above, and indeed it’s often the worst scenes that don’t necessarily come up in a session. Overall, the client adopted a belief that no-one cared about her, she didn’t matter; she was either ignored or belittled. There was also a belief that formed whereby the only time she ever got attention was when something went wrong. (The bike incident led to a stay in hospital and other attention). This led to a pattern of things going wrong in her life in order to gain attention on an ever-increasing scale. The mind sub-consciously creating this loop. The client was left with issues of low confidence, a variety of health issues, aches and pains (leftover from the belief she needed pain to get attention), a feeling of the odds being against her ever making a success of anything. And a belief that she was different and isolated from those around her, and that she couldn’t have the same possessions and achievements as anybody else.

If she had tried to explore these scenes with the people in her life, there would have been an expectation to ‘get over it’ or ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’. Perhaps she would be told ‘don’t be ridiculous’ or any number of unhelpful dismissives. With RTT you are never told that what hurt you is irrelevant.

woman walking down a pier barefoot

To wrap up, using RTT tools, the practitioner sums up those recollections and directs the client to see how those scenes led her to where she is today. There are then several ‘interruptions’ we use that turn those beliefs on their head and point out how differently she would perceive those situations with her adult, critical mind. We then move to establish how the client’s life looks today, before reframing the client’s perceptions and creating a beautiful transformational recording, which must be listened to for 21 days straight. This is around 20 minutes long, so it is not a huge commitment on the client’s behalf. But it is absolutely crucial to solidifying the new beliefs and achieving the desired outcome.

The experience as a whole is uplifting, enlightening, life-affirming, and transformative.

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy? Life-changing.

When was the last time someone gave you 30 minutes of their undivided attention?

Book your free, no-obligation call right now!!

Don’t waste any more of your life