Unlock Your Full Potential

A Season of Change; A Lifetime of Potential

This very special program of therapy takes all the benefits of the Acorn session and adds in everything else required to address every aspect of your life and the avenues that you want to improve in!

The experience can be considered from 2 different starting points:

  • You have multiple traumas and deep-rooted issues that require more ongoing support and structure; you just know coming into this that you want a lot of help along the way, and someone to be there for you.

  • Or, you have one-two main issues and want to use the further sessions to work on life-affirming areas like love, money, abundance, career, fertility, for example.

Whichever option you resonate with, your first session would be the equivalent of the Acorn Package, which is designed to address your initial block or presenting problem, and within that, by the end of the first round of RTT, I also make sure, whatever your initial circumstances, that you truly feel, just like an acorn, that you have all the required aspects of a perfect, mighty oak within you!

You will see the potential you hold within you, and believe in it, and be eager to go further.

Session 2 and 3, we then tailor to your unique pathway for growth, change, and healing.

We take the potential of the acorn and add in the perfect soil, sunlight, and rainwater to guarantee fruition! And a little splash of magic!

And what I also want you to be aware of…

is that what you might feel right now as a mire of insurmountable problems, and negative experiences that have tainted the way you feel about yourself, I consider your growth rings.

Just like the growth rings within the sturdiest oak, every ring, every season of experience, tells the story of the tree, and the story of you. And those things you thought damaged you, deterred you, broke you, can actually become exactly what makes you a more loving, fascinating, empathetic, ground-breaking, world-changing, individual.

That’s why I like to work with you over an extended period of 3+ months. Because I want to take you from trauma, depression, anxiety, any fears or phobias, and feed that flicker inside that tells you I might be your last, best chance at achieving something truly special.

My goal is to take you all the way through to fruition in terms of your peace of mind, career path, meeting your dreams, goals, and aspirations, restoring your capabilities for abundance and love, and an internal experience that can only be described as whole life living. Whatever your scepticism and disbelief surrounding yourself now, it can be altered as long as you commit to the process.

Every ring matters, every ring tells a story. All of it is relevant. And all of it can be used to enhance your capability for growth and change on every level of your life.

Your past matters. And once you understand the experiences that formed you, then you can use that information to your own benefit.

I want to take you through this program of therapy and witness the myriad of ways in which you will grow and heal, and develop a deep and abiding love for yourself.

This package is simply everything you need to live life like the tallest of trees. Both experiencing deep-rooted security and having ideas and ambitions as lofty as the highest limbs extending all the way up into the tree canopy.

And enjoying a mind and body resilient enough to get you there!

Get ready to go all the way.

Anne-Marie Cassidy and Growth Rings Graphic showing tree rings, acorns and leaves, and a sapling with budding leaves

I get that the idea of change can feel challenging. And approaching this might feel scary. But change through hypnotherapy is gentle, manageable, and naturally unfolding.

It some ways you might not even notice it happening!

You will just experience life differently!

  • RTT with Charmed Life Therapy has been quite genuinely miraculous for me! Life-changing and life-enhancing! Anne-Marie is the most lovely lady you could ever wish to meet, so kind and calm and welcoming. The whole experience from the very first contact was incredibly reassuring, calming and soothing. The actual process of RTT was so gentle and so relaxing. Nothing whatsoever to be worried about! I wouldn't hesitate to say to anyone considering RTT with Charmed Life Therapy to just do it! You will never, ever regret it! It's like opening a door and letting all the dust out and the sunshine stream in!

    Anne - 5 Star Review

Woman wearing a hat walking under a mature oak tree

So what does the program consist of?

  • 3 tailored-to-you sessions with personalised recordings. Treatment will be across 3 -6 months, dependent on your availability & readiness.

    A life-changing alchemy of hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT, and Psychology, with all of the personal transformation handled in hypnosis!

  • Lasting up to 60 minutes, we have one after each RTT session, either to discuss next steps or how far you've come!

  • A highly effective, nurturing piece of extra support. Rewind can be used to work on a specific incident of trauma, depression, or if you feel like you need an extra piece of help along the way. Discover more about Rewind via the menu bar.

  • I will be in email contact at 1, 5, 15, 20 days post each session of RTT, and you can also message or email me and expect a response during the hours of 11am-8pm.

  • I am currently developing this aspect of the package. It may eventually become a private FB group for RTT clients, or scheduled Zoom meet-ups. You have the option, if you would like, to take part as this aspect grows along with you! An extra piece of support.

The price point of this comprehensive package is £1500.

If you need to discuss instalment options, please book a free call below or drop me a message on the contact page.

You already have everything inside necessary to bloom.

You just need some help with the nurturing!