And though she be but little, she is fierce!

  • Shakespeare


Healing with me starts for free.

One no-obligation call. It’s making a great choice.

Your Time, My Magic!


Finding a therapist that’s right for you.

Anne-Marie Cassidy age 4
Wording: By the time of this photo, age 4, I was already aware I was struggling.

Hello, My name is Anne-Marie Cassidy and I’m really happy you found your way to my website.

I am a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, trained in Marisa Peer’s multi award-winning method, and I am happy to offer treatment for a wide variety of conditions to men, women and children worldwide, and the best way for you to find out what I can do for you is to jump on a discovery call and ask how I can help.

My own background and where my interest in this form of therapy stems from, and helping change lives in general, is the fact that for very many years, I was told I had a mental health problem. Indeed, that my feelings didn’t count, as what I felt was not real. It was all in my head. When the truth is, our feelings are the most real thing that we have!

I was removed from school, under medical advice, aged 12, with something that at the time was deemed school phobia, and from there I spent many years as a tutorial experiment of the NHS, helping many junior psychiatrists in their training, enduring much talk therapy and an endless array of medications.

Surprisingly enough, this didn’t get me very far, starting over every 6 months with each new student doctor that emerged. Having my developing brain over-burdened by chemicals. I should state that I am not against medication and talk therapy if that is working for you, but if it’s not, then you may be glad to know it’s not the only answer.

From my mid-thirties, still very much struggling with the path I was on, though largely by many people’s standards living a functional life, I began to take my health into my own hands. This started with over-hauling my diet, researching how nutrition affects mindset and led to much research on the ways our mind works, what causes depression, and anything and everything I could learn to help myself.

Eventually, after a nearly 10 year journey, this led to RTT, and though I had learned for myself, much of what my own story was formed on, to have my path so beautifully clarified by the process gave me so much peace and comfort. I began to learn that this was not something I had done to myself, not something I was born with, not a chemical imbalance in my brain, and not something I had no control over.

This was something that had happened to me.


Because I learned that I did not have a mental illness, I never had. What I did have was a case of childhood emotional neglect. I had unmet needs as a child that caused a belief in me that the only time I ever got attention (I was the youngest of 6 children) was when something went drastically wrong.

Many of my early memories contained scenes where I needed help, but there was an abundance of people whose needs seemed a priority.

You didn’t feel you could or should ask when you needed help.

Through RTT and regression, I remembered several instances of being surprised when attention was focused on me as a child, and all of these related to when my situation had become unmissable. When there was no possible way not to notice me. Attention among 6 children is thinly spread, especially when the burden falls to one parent.

So my young, struggling, 12-year-old mind, which had reached the limit of what it could cope with alone, came up with a scenario it knew would guarantee to bring me attention. And over the ensuing years, my brain kept following that path, even though it did not bring the right outcome, because being that way became familiar. And people told me that’s what I was.

And the mind loves what is familiar.

When I had RTT for myself, it came after I had also had sessions with a functional medicine practitioner and both of these therapists told me I had suffered neglect. This was quite a revelation, and something that I really had to digest as a truth about myself, as I always thought I was doing something to others, that I was at fault, that I had caused trouble, that I was a burden. But the truth was I had an emotionally absent father who took no part in parenting and my mother was overwhelmed with parenting six children on her own.

There wasn’t time for one person to keep on top of all of us.

I was the last one to come along. My mother began working nights when I was 3, I had to sleep when she slept, and grandchildren began to arrive by the time I was 8. My struggle simply was not seen.

Anne-Marie Cassidy age 6
Wording - Abuse and Neglect can happen even in homes where there also exists love
Anne-Marie Cassidy age 46
Wording - It is Never too Late to Rewrite Your Own Story

One of the beauties of RTT is that you find your voice and you use it. You develop your own inner guidance. You will definitely begin to surprise the people around you.

As well as running my practice, I have written and self-published several romance novels I am deeply proud of, and I am happy with who I am and what I’ve been through to get here, because my life makes sense now, and I would love the opportunity to help you make sense of yours.

We were put on this earth to be loved, to be joyful, and we are all magnificent beings full of potential, so let me help you course-correct, because finding your own truth is illuminating.

Whatever you are struggling with, whatever your child may be struggling with, let me see if I can help. This can be anything related to your health and self-esteem, money-blocks, phobias, trauma, infertility, sexual issues, public speaking - even childhood issues like bed-wetting and exam preparation.

RTT can help with so many conditions.

You or your loved one will be treated with the utmost compassion, professionalism, and respect. And you can rest easy in the knowledge that healed people, heal people.

Before RTT

Your life before RTT:

  • Bereft

  • Isolated

  • Bitter

  • Angry

  • Defeated

After RTT

Your life after RTT:

  • Hopeful

  • Connected

  • Forgiving

  • Accepting

  • Re-energised


Your investment in yourself

Whichever package you select, you will receive the same consummate level of care and attention.

The Acorn introductory rate ends May 31st 2024.

The package options below are a starting point; we can tailor something to your individual needs, and instalment options are available for packages over a thousand pounds.

Need to ask a question first? Drop me an email here.


When you have a fear you look for it everywhere.

When you no longer have that fear, you don’t even see it.