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Hello and welcome to Charmed Life Therapy

I’m so glad you found your way to my blog. I’m guessing this is because you have spent some time trawling the internet looking for the answer to what is happening in your life?

Haven’t we all? I know I have.

I came to RTT having long since given up on traditional help and having experienced a lot of what alternative medicine has to offer; particular diets, supplement regimens, functional medicine practitioners, reflexology, aromatherapy, acupuncture, traditional hypnotherapy. I’ve tried an osteopath and chiropractors for pain, dermatologist and beauticians for skin, and I spent a lot of time almost revelling in my misery and discomfort and validating my experience that nothing ever seems to work.

They don’t until you can fix your thoughts.

Given what I have learned, I feel I can safely promise you that RTT is different, and it can open your eyes to what is really going on in your mind and body, and will allow you to make connections you hadn’t even considered.

Here’s a typical RTT moment

A recent client of mine was having trouble witha nasty skin irritation, and generally the big reveal always comes with a bit of a laugh, when you hear the words come out of your mouth and realise how your clever mind has made that a reality for you.

After a few rounds of probing, and revisiting a particularly stressful scenario at work, this lovely client felt the words bubble up out of nowhere ‘I just remember thinking I don’t feel safe in my skin’. We call these your a-ha moments (nothing to do with the band!) Or your lightbulb moments. And when it happens, as a therapist, you get the goose bumps.

Your mind takes that thought and makes it a reality for you. The truth about your mind is it’s a bit of a d*** sometimes and it gets you into all kinds of trouble by taking things very literally. And it can be a random, fleeting thought you had in one weak moment, where you were under stress or overwhelmed. And because we don’t identify that or remember that moment consciously, then it silently grows and grows behind the scenes and takes on a life of its own before we know it.

The structure of an RTT session

RTT works on this through its four components.

1. Investigate

Some of this happens in your intake call with me, where I am looking for your metaphors, the language you use. It also happens during the scenes we regress you to.

2. Interpret

As an RTT practitioner, there is then an arsenal of tools we have to interpret the beliefs you formed. See where they came from, really narrow down on your root cause.

3. Interrupt

Here is where we turn those beliefs on their head and examine the differences between your past and where you are now, what you’ve achieved, what you are capable of. Explain why now is different and anything is possible, despite the severity of your current reality. We reframe everything you believe you know about yourself.

4. Install

After we have done all the work together, I create a personalised audio, especially for you, that is calming, inspiring, motivational, healing and uplifting and you will listen to this for 21 days to really get working on coding the new beliefs into your brain.

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There’s always hope for your issue

And the good news about your brain is it is constantly changing, growing, adapting and you can train your brain to be exactly what you need it to be. It’s never too late to effect change, and remember your brain, or more accurately, your mind, is there to serve you, not you it!

If you haven’t yet, I would highly recommend you watch the Ted Talk by Jill Bolte Taylor on my Work with Me page. It just highlights how we are all giving our left brain, the critical, analytical side of us, too much airtime, and it is making us quite miserable for the most part.

Picture of Anne-Marie Cassidy on a wine coloured background, with magic wand, star and capricorn symbol elements

Do yourself a favour today and get out and spend some time letting your right brain connect with the energy all around you. Just a few minutes each day ‘just being’ is immensely healing for you.

If you want to get in touch, I am pretty fast at responding by email, or just jump straight into booking a free Your Time, My Magic Call.

Even after we speak, I am no good at the hard sell, so you have no worries on that score! Plus, you have to make a decision about RTT on your own terms because you need to be ready to make that commitment to yourself.

As a rule of thumb, we practitioners tend to think that if you are not at least at a score of 9 out of 10, on the scale of being eager to effect change, then you won’t get the result you are asking for. And a good hypnotherapist will not take you on if that is the case. If you are not ready, I will tell you that and why.

So, have a beautiful day, and while you’re out and about, if you hear that critical little brain trying to insinuate you are somehow less than, try this instead. Take a few deep breaths that inflate your abdomen and just say out loud or to yourself, ‘I am proud of you’. And I don’t care what your current situation is, JUST DO IT!

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About Me

Hello, I’m Anne-Marie. I am a RTT Practitioner, Romance Author, Championship Dog Show Judge.

I have a lot going on! But my primary focus is helping people achieve their personal and professional goals, whatever they may be. If you’re struggling, I am the kind of person you want in your corner.

Click here to book your free Your Time, My Magic Call now


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