How Important is Appearance?

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Graphic shows Anne-Marie Cassidy against an autumn colour palette on a charcoal background. The caption reads, 'How important is appearance?'

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About Identifying with The Real You

A piece of advice from me. It’s never too late to start experimenting and having fun with what it means to be you.

Everybody’s belief system is different. Since doing my own work with RTT, I have moved from being a guilty, self-loathing, depressed, lapsed Catholic to considering myself an open-minded, spiritually, magically, universally curious entity, who is currently having a human experience!

Don’t worry, when you work with me, I don’t attempt to make my beliefs yours. It’s cool if you’re an atheist too! Anthing or anyone goes.

But the reason for this particular blog post, and the way I believe it ties into getting to know yourself better through RTT, is that I have been taking steps lately to recapture what fun it is to play at being human.

When I was young, I loved experimenting. Before all the drama kicked in, I craved attention and standing out. That’ was the beginning of my struggles when that wasn’t forthcoming. And I am noticing more now, as I do emotional work on myself each day, as we all should, just how buried in trauma that part of me had become.

Who doesn’t love a square face?

Picture of Angelina Jolie showing she has a square face

So a while ago, I took steps to get back in touch with the human side of me. This started simply by identifying what hair styles would really suit me, and finally figuring out my face shape. I used a couple of online apps for this and both confirmed I had a square face.

I found this quite fascinating, and it was remarkable to me, just what it meant to say, ‘oh, that’s me, so that’s what my face is. I get it now. So what can we do to work with that and honour that?’

Of course, like most humans, what I would choose to do would not really suit me and my square face. I love long, one length hair, which I could have, but I also know full well that my particularly thick, unruly, mostly curly hair needs layers and that having no pieces framing my face gives me the aspect of a horse! Dragging everything somewhat downwards! It was also very cheering to note that not only do I have a square face, but so does Angelina Jolie (we were separated at birth!), Margot Robbie (2nd cousin once removed), and Demi Moore, no relation, but she gets away with having long hair as she can rock a centre parting with such fine, lovely, silky straight hair.

So, it kind of gave me a place to start, and put me back in touch with my physical identity. I am still working on how to get the right cut and may yet get a bob, but I do love the way long hair looks.

After that, I decided to get on and have more fun. This time I decided to have a colour analysis done on myself.

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I had been following Carol Brailey on Instagram and loved her funny, vibrant videos, full of personality, and it piqued my interest in getting another handle on my physical identity. I thought it would also be useful in giving myself more reason to show up on social media looking my very best. So I submitted all the required information and photographs and sat back and waited.

Every once in a while during the interim, I would google a few articles and be musing to myself, ‘I know I’m going to be winter or summer because I think my undertone is cool. I have blue veins, blue eyes, pale skin, I burn in the sun.’

Anne-Marie Cassidy in St Augustine's Primary School uniform

Plus, I choose to identify as a winter baby, being born 3 days after Christmas, and I am very proud of that fact. Not that that illogical thought makes a blind bit of difference to colour analysis.

I have always worn the palest porcelain foundation, believing myself very fair. There is a lot of pink in my facial skin. A lot of pink in my wardrobe. And I bloody love that winter colour palette!

I was happily overlooking the fact that I also see yellow in my skin, more particularly on my body and that my hair is chestnut, and my moles and freckles orangey brown.

So imagine my bemusement on discovering I am actually a true autumn. Which feels crazy, but also makes a lot of sense. But oh dear, I have maybe 2 things in my entire wardrobe that meet up with that. I have to buy orange! And green! And deep purple! Deep in general, in fact. No more lilac! or pale blue! Not even black or white!!! No more porcelain foundation! Orange red lipstick!!!!!! Yellow gold jewellery, of which I own one piece!

No wonder my primary school bottle green uniform suited me! I can actually see why I would be autumn in this picture. Everything about me does have a gold tone. And certain things about us don’t change over time.

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But this is the kind of trauma that is actually so much fun! So many old beliefs and assumptions about what feels good and right to you are now stripped away. Just like when you have RTT. It’s like being a baby and discovering your fingers and toes again. It makes you feel young, and full of potential. And it will be interesting as I slowly implement all these changes to see how the way I feel about myself changes. Whether my ever-burgeoning confidence increases even more. How daring I get. How bold. Because all of these sodding colours are bold!!!! I say once again in shock – orange; hecky-thump even yellow!! Though I confess I did always know yellow worked on me, but I didn’t know why.

The image description that comes with being a true autumn is spectacular, strong, mature, decisive, natural, grounded. Doesn’t that sound amazing? And that description is levelled at me! Talk about feeling fired up!

So, what I am saying here is that along with doing the crucially important inner work (RTT), don’t forget to have fun discovering your true outer self, either. Both will make you feel so much better. Remind you that life is meant to be fun and playful.

And I speak of doing this as a former acne sufferer, who doesn’t identify as having a perfect skin or a perfect body. It doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with them. This work we undertake together is about making you whole, making you feel so much more connected, both to the outside world and the people in it, and to yourself, internally, externally, mentally, spiritually. And I advise you to look at all avenues open to you when working towards that end.

RTT will help you want to have fun again. It gets you curious, gets you thinking. And it seems so amusing to think I named my signature package ‘acorn’, something that arrives with abundance in the autumn. Maybe my subconscious mind knew all along? Of course it did!

I promise you it really will make you chuckle what you discover for yourself!

If you would like to meet this true autumn, virtually, or in-person, book your free discovery call now!

Love A-M x

floral graphic with anne-marie cassidy

About Me

Hello, I’m Anne-Marie. I am a RTT Practitioner, Romance Author, Championship Dog Show Judge.

I have a lot going on! But my primary focus is helping people achieve their personal and professional goals, whatever they may be. If you’re struggling, I am the kind of person you want in your corner.

Click here to book your free discovery call now


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