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RTT Everything & A Few Bits of Clever Support.

This is a guide to what I did; what I am happy to recommend.

Do some of your own research and price comparison across sellers!

Read up, filter out, narrow down on what feels comfortable for you. And let me know what else you found that worked for you x

This post will be updated from time to time and is a bit of a free form thing filled with products I like and have really worked for me. And also suggestions about stabling your blood sugar for depression etc. Gut support to get your serotonin cooking on gas!

What I say here isn’t a ‘do as I say’ and it’s not claiming to be perfect or the last word on skin science. It’s things that helped me, and if you don’t know quite where to start with the wealth of choices and information out there, it might help you too. The links that go to Amazon do generate a small commission for me, but they are genuinely products that I have bought time and time again.

RTT everything first!

I always say RTT everything first. Even something physical like acne can be a past sub-conscious decision. I know it sounds crazy that your sub-conscious would decide painful, pus filled cysts on your face might be a hell of an idea, but, for example, in your past, there may have been one day, one hour, one moment, where it wasn’t safe for you to have nice skin. Maybe you were in a situation where you were being abused, threatened, your safety at risk, someone coming on too strong - simply for looking what society deems attractive.

That’s when a tiny thought might go through your head, ‘being beautiful, having a lovely face, putting make-up on and looking gorgeous got me into this. Being desirable is dangerous. It’s not safe for me to look a certain way.’ And the same goes for men, there may have been an instance where your looks, even your natural swagger or confidence got you into trouble.

Voila! Your sub-conscious says, I can make you less conventionally appealing. This will never happen to you again if I give you x,y,z etc

And until we evict that thought and reframe the belief, your acne or other physical condition continues, despite all rational, medical, scientific, antibiotic, dietary intervention.

Sort the internal first, then support your skin, gut, body externally to recover faster.

So here’s what I currently use for my skin that is keeping me in good condition. And what I have used along the journey.

Skin Saviours

I have acne scarring and have had two bad bouts of acne in the past. I am pretty happy with my skin right now through doing/using the following.

Cerave Cream to Foam Cleanser to wash with, but...

Green People Cream Cleanser first. If I have worn either full make-up or just to remove eye make-up etc. I just massage it into the necessary areas and rinse off with water.

Morning: I pat on The Ordinary’s Niacinamide after washing and follow it up with Paula’s Choice Youth Extending Moisturiser.

Evening: After cleansing/washing I will splash on the The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toner toner, and then either Tranexamic Acid (Inkey List e.g.) or The Ordinary’s Retinol - I am using the 0.2% in Squalane formula at the moment, generally just a couple of times a week. It’s good to build up your skin’s tolerance to Retinol, so start with 0.2 which is the mildest.

The tranexamic acid is great for the red pigment left over from spots.

The Ordinary’s Azelaic Acid is excellent too and is a good one to alternate the tranexamic with. Your skin feels lovely afterwards.

If you can afford to throw in hyaluronic acid first right after washing, do that too, but I don’t necessarily.

I do have limits on what I want to spend on skincare! I have to draw a line somewhere. I know some people will be saying, ‘NO HYALURONIC ACID???!!!!’ Is she mad!

Night moisturiser is currently either Smoom’s Night Face Floss or I am hoping to try the Immortelle Face Floss soon.

I would also advocate for Zoe Bee Beauty. My favourites of Zoe’s are Green Cream & Veggie Souffle. Veggie Souffle is great for rosacea, Green Cream for scarring. Both are great companies and all natural.

These creams can seem like a bit of an investment. But both come in small jars for when you start out and both last for ages as you just use a tiny amount. They really are worth the price. Smoom’s Night Face Floss smells of pricey lavender, it’s so soothing. And I am considering the Immortelle as it contains helichrysum, an essential oil I have used in the past and it smells so great.

For day time use, for my particular skin, Zoe Bee and Smoom are just a bit too rich, especially under make-up. Many people do use these during the day to great effect, and it is suggested to use on damp skin. More of an essential at night for me! I am also a bit lazy and don’t want to have to use a separate SPF!

SPF of 50 is included in the Paula’s Choice moisturiser (linked above.)

I find by doing this regime, I am happy to go make-up free, usually just adding a bit of blush, and a swipe of brow gel if I’m not on camera or going anywhere fancy.

I also do a once-a-week clay mask. This uses an equal proportion of Bentonite clay and Apple Cider Vinegar (the raw, unfiltered kind including ‘the mother’.) I do 2 teaspoons of each. Mix it with a non-metallic implement so you don’t disrupt the magic. It should have a thickish creamy consistency.

Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off thoroughly.

You may have to shop around for your clay. I started out with Aztec Secret, Indian Healing Clay. And any good quality apple cider vinegar. The mixture will fizz on mixing and you should feel it drawing out your skin while it is on. You feel so clean after rinsing it off!

If your skin is super-sensitive, try mixing with water rather than the ACV.

The Ordinary’s Glycolic Peel is also a good addition to throw in as an extra once a week-ish. I’m not tending to do this so much at the moment.

Should a dreaded spot occur, and we all get an occasional one, we have to, it wouldn’t be natural otherwise. I would do the clay face mask, and have some of The Ordinary’s Salicylic Acid to spot treat twice a day. Doing this routine means when a spot arrives it goes down in no time.

Bright Eyes

Woman's eyes showing above a scarf draped across her lower face

During menopause, when so many physical things in my body went absolutely nuts, I developed dry eyes, or blepharitis if you like. I have seen major improvements with this by having more RTT on myself, but I was also taking flax seed capsules and Eye Complex 7 from Time Health at the time, and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. It’s so nice to have the whites of my eyes be white again! They became so yellow and sore, and nothing seemed to work for me. It was a very depressing, very distressing thing to have. I couldn’t stand bright light and didn’t like people making eye contact with me while I was suffering with it. And it went on for years!

Get your gut on board!

If you have been on long term antibiotics for acne, I would highly recommend you wean yourself off them very, very slowly, like for a period of 4-6 months even, particularly if your skin has reacted any time you have tried to remove them, and try taking Chuckling Goat Kefir, to build your gut friendly bugs back up. For a few months at least. Their range of soaps and lotions are also lovely and it is a very customer focused company. They will always advise you. I have even been given full size samples when I have asked for advice in the past.

Kefir, incidentally, is great dabbed on the skin to dry up spots! And I actually loved the taste of it.

I recommend Ashwagandha to most anyone I meet, as it is so good at relieving stress. (Check your contraindications, particularly the thyroid function aspect). It just takes the edge off. Helps you say bye-bye antidepressants.

Even my hair went bananas!

I take Reishi and Foti for my hair.

I had hormonal hair loss before my RTT days, starting with the menopause. So coupled with acne it made for some periods of really low self-esteem.

Collagen is a must for me. Joints, bones, skin, hair, nails, gut support. What more can I say. A dramatic difference to my skin. I have taken both powder and capsule form. Again, buy the best quality you can to suit your budget. Chuckling Goat has it too.

Remember, do what you can with all of this information I am presenting here. You don’t need everything, I am just telling you all of this in the hopes it can save you the kind of time and expense I spent trying these things out!

The first two things I did every day when coming off antibiotics for acne was to take kefir and collagen. I believe that is how I succeeded at breaking the antibiotic cycle. I had tried before to come off them and the acne had come back as bad as before.

Eat to beat depression

A healthy salad bowl image

If you have a tendency to depression, you know I’m going to say RTT first, but you can also think about the ashwagandha (see above). Get protein in you three times a day. Have breakfast. Eggs, protein smoothie, overnight oats with some nuts and seeds e.g. Wholegrains, fruit and veg. Cut out all processed sugar and processed food. Limit alcohol and coffee. You are aiming to balance your blood sugar, no highs and lows. And don’t use a protein powder full of junk, use a plain one and put fruit in it, plus maca, baobab, so many great things the earth came up with.

I find as much as I love the taste, and would like to drink alcohol in moderation, my body just makes me miserable if I do. I can feel my heart actually racing the next day. It makes me anxious. I once had intolerance testing done and almost all the grapes were flagged! The analyst said to me, ‘your body really does not like alcohol!’ So it’s just once in a while for me. And self-care and kicking my own ass the next day for doing it!

I eat a lot, but stay reasonably slim because I don’t buy food with sugar added. I cook fresh a lot, nothing fancy or out there. I’m just mindful. Lots of nuts, olive oil, goat dairy if any at all. Cow’s milk is highly allergenic, I could tell you some things about mucus! Fruit, veg, salad, hummus, meat, fish, avocadoes, rice, sweet potatoes, new potatoes, smoothies. Oatcakes are my weakness!

I love putting cacao in my smoothies, pear and avocado is lovely with some cacao in and you can stick a tsp of something like spirulina (capsules linked here, but comes in powder form) or chlorella in to up the mineral content. Plant milks and water as the liquid, bung some nuts in too. Cacao gives you a gentler lift than coffee. I also eat dark chocolate – 85% proof, the really serious stuff!

I don’t eat much gluten as I just feel lighter without it. Lots and lots of water, herbal teas like Rooibos and Twining’s spiced ginger.

Once your body gets used to eating like this, and remember, you can make anything familiar to your mind, you won’t miss biscuits and cake and junk. And when you do eat it you’ll wonder what on earth you used to think the fuss was about.

You can do anything, change anything, be anything, get used to anything, so make it good.

I’ll try and check back in with this post regularly and make sure the links are still working. If you spot any errors or something is broken, please let me know.

If you have any questions about any of the above or about the weird and wonderful conditions RTT can be applied to, please drop me a message here.

floral graphic with anne-marie cassidy

About Me

Hello, I’m Anne-Marie. I am a RTT Practitioner, Romance Author, Championship Dog Show Judge.

I have a lot going on! But my primary focus is helping people achieve their personal and professional goals, whatever they may be. If you’re struggling, I am the kind of person you want in your corner.

Click here to book your free discovery call now

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