Mind Your Language!

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I have been doing a lot of refreshing lately of my training; there is so much intensive material, it pays to remind yourself constantly. I am also working towards the clinical hypnotherapy qualification, which will be another string to my bow, giving me the ability to work within clinics if I choose, whether it be doctors or alternative health facilities.

And while doing this in the last couple of days, I came across a social media post that just highlighted to me why we should be careful of the words we use, both to ourselves and casually in the wider world. And this tied in with the recapping I was currently doing.

Watch the way you speak

The lady commenter was complaining about a lesson within a yoga program I had signed up to. And she was basically saying why do we have to do flows? I despise flows. And then a second contributor chimed in that she too despised flows.

Can you hear how that word would resound within your head, or the heads of other people? And how it grows and takes on a life of its own.

It’s a pretty harsh word ‘despise.’ So much so that I think I have probably used it less than a handful of times in my life. I literally cannot think of anything that I despise. I do not have a deep loathing of anything. Certainly not since RTT. And I am glad about that. Try saying the word a few times to yourself, about something, and feel how your body reacts, becomes uncomfortable, feels angry even.

Because this lady does not despise flows; she might not be comfortable with them… yet (as I like to remind clients). She might not enjoy them. She might not be good at them (also yet). But she does not despise them, and it’s a good idea not to bandy that word, and words like it, around, because words affect us on a cellular level.

One of the things RTT will do for you, really early on, is make you hyper-aware of the language people use all around you. After just one session, and three weeks’ use of your audio, which will embed positive language into you, you will be talking and thinking about yourself and your world differently.

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Literally Speaking

Just think about the things you hear all around you on a regular basis.

  • ‘It’s a lousy/horrible day.’

  • ‘I can’t catch a break.’

  • ‘Nothing ever goes right for me.’

  • ‘I’ll die if my husband leaves me.’

  • ‘Nothing ever gets any better.’

  • ‘I can’t live without cake/gin/prosecco/ice-cream, etc.’

None of these are true. Yet your mind is very literal, so all of these and the hundreds more phrases people use, have a knock on effect on how you feel about yourself and the world around you, and the people in it.

Speak the truth.

It’s not a lousy day; it’s a day filled with as much potential as any other. It’s just not the ideal kind of weather you were hoping for, and that is not as big a deal.

I can’t catch a break. Yes, you can. If you sat down and practiced a little gratitude and studied the dozens of good things that happen each day, you would know there were a lot of breaks in your life. You are around to moan about it, for starters!

Nothing ever goes right for me. Yes, it does. Did you eat lunch, have money for the bus/train/petrol? Did you go to Costa coffee? Was there milk in the house for your breakfast cereal? Did you do lots of little things you take for granted? Because I guarantee, as little as you think you may have, or how big a failure you think you are, somebody, somewhere, will want what it is that you are not happy with right now. They would want that struggle or even the opportunity to deal with the aftermath of that perceived failure. Because it’s an improvement on what they are coping with.

Even if that comment is referring to something physical about yourself. I guarantee that other people do not see you the way you are currently judging yourself. Someone, somewhere, would gladly have your hair, your skin, your body, your zits, your wonky breasts, your problems!

And you won’t die if your husband leaves you. You might be unhappy for a while. It might knock your confidence. You might need some time to process. But you won’t die. So stop telling your body you will. It’s not a healthy thing to do. In time, with the right attitude, you’re going to meet someone a hundred percent more compatible.

And you can live perfectly well without ice-cream, cake and gin – whatever your guilty pleasure is. It’s just a habit, it’s familiar, and if you really studied the way you felt after having it, mostly you will feel uncomfortable and annoyed with yourself for having succumbed too often to something you know is not great for you. Food is not life, love, or happiness. It is just food. It can be good, bad or indifferent. It’s nourishment. Energy.

There is a great thing I can do as part of a weight loss program, that literally shows you how your body reacts instantly and visibly to bad or good foods that are just placed in your hand, but that is another story!

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Stand Out From the Crowd

I have a friend who is currently working on clearing out decades of her and her deceased parents’ stuff, and stuff that has been foisted on her by other people. And she is doing amazing. It’s not something she finds easy. It’s emotionally hard for her. A challenge. But in the middle of doing so well, she typed me an email within which she said. ‘I even woke up yesterday and today feeling that I am slowly, slowly, beginning to make a future for myself. I know it won't last, but…

Immediately my keen practitioner brain said, ‘hold up, what was that you slipped in there? No, no, no, no, no! You’re not getting away with that one. You know it won’t last?????’

You see? That is what we do. We do well and we say something like that. When what we should do is say. ‘Wow, let’s make the most of this. Let’s see about staying on this roll. I’ve got this. I am doing this. It’s happening. Look at my progress. I am excited to see what comes next. I’m getting all this space, etc.’

When you start paying attention, you will be really surprised to see what you notice, what you remove from your vocabulary, and how much better you start feeling. What you will need to stop yourself from doing is repeating negativity just to make conversation or fit in with the crowd.

Don’t join in with negativity just because everyone else is.

Another friend of mine is really struggling with her health, and often says, ‘nothing ever gets any better, does it?’ And I have to say to her, ‘I’m not going to repeat, agree or feed into that, as I don’t want that energy in my life.’ It feels a bit harsh when I know what she is suffering, but I have explained where I am coming from, and what I need to do for me, and she gets it. She just can’t find a way to do it for herself.

I had a session with her early in my training, when I didn’t have any hands-on experience, and what came out is she just wasn’t ready to let go of control of what is/was ailing her. She is getting something from it, even though she does not want to feel what she is feeling. She is not willing to let go. And put blame where blame is due. With others in this case. And if you can’t do that, you can’t heal.

A good way of life never getting any better is to say exactly those things. ‘It never gets any better, does it?’ Even when life is really, really, shit, don’t say those kinds of things. It’s more important than ever to change your language at those times.

So the message of this post is to watch your words. Watch the words of others. Look at yourself in the mirror and say one of the hundred terrible things you say to yourself on a regular basis. See what happens to your expression, your body language, when you do that. Then say something like. ‘I’m proud of you. I support you. I respect you.’ And watch how your expression softens; how it is a little easier to breathe.

Words have power and weight. Use them like your very own super-power. That’s something you can start today. It’s free. And it’s life-changing. And it’s fun to see what you can come up with. It’s people-watching for the ears. See how much negativity you can spot.

Book a free, no obligation discovery call today if you need more help installing your own self-worth. Or if you are even slightly curious to find out just how high you can fly!

Lots of Love x

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About Me

Hello, I’m Anne-Marie. I am a RTT Practitioner, Romance Author, Championship Dog Show Judge.

I have a lot going on! But my primary focus is helping people achieve their personal and professional goals, whatever they may be. If you’re struggling, I am the kind of person you want in your corner.

Click here to book your free discovery call now


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